Immune to stress hypnosis audio recording

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Immune to stress hypnosis audio recording

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Immune to stress hypnosis audio recording

Immune to stress hypnosis audio recording

We are more stress-prone than ever. However, the real source of “stress” is actually internal. The readiness to react with fear is already present within and triggered by external stimuli. 

The more fear we have on the inside, the more our perception of the world is changed to a fearful, guarded expectancy.

Are you overwhelmed with fear and stress?⁣

There are so many things ⁣happening all at once right now,⁣

So I understand why you would maybe feel⁣

Confused, ⁣


Or fearful... ⁣

⁣But, it doesn’t have to be that way.⁣


I want you to feel protected from outside pressures and stress. This is why I created this recording for you, just close your eyes and ……….